If you are short on cash but need to money today for the things in life that just sneak up on you, you may be interested in a military payday loan.
Low Interest Short Term Loans
The difference in a military payday loan and traditional payday loans for regular consumers is typically that the interest rate for the military payday loan is lower and there are more flexible repayment options to choose from. The interest rate on your military payday loan cannot exceed any government caps that are imposed upon such types of loan, which means that you will save money on this type of loan versus what the average borrower would pay.
A military loan can be in amounts starting at $100, up to as much as $1500 or more, depending on your needs and your ability to repay the lender. The only requirements for the military payday loan is that you are an active or retired member of the military, have income, and a checking account with a positive balance. There is no credit check.
Cash Now For Current Needs
The payday lender will hold the check for an agreed upon period of time, usually around two weeks or at your next pay date, after which time payment in full becomes due. There are certain instances in which the military loan can be repaid in installments. This practice varies widely from lender to lender.
Be aware that if the funds are not available when the check is deposited, you may incur fees, such as fees that your bank might charge for insufficient funds; further, if the payday loan lender deposits the check a second time, there could be a second charge for insufficient funds if the money is not available.
Convenient, Secured Websites
Most of the verification processes can be completed either by email or fax, including any signature documentation – which you can sign and either fax back to the lender or send scanned copies in an email.
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