
How Important Is Good Air Conditioning In The Workplace?

Don’t get me wrong. It is clear that the potential advantages to be had from installing an air conditioning unit in the office place. One of the best reasons that I can think of is making life more bearable during the summer months. This is when office workers are more likely to suffer. An office with several servers and a computer network where the machines generate a lot of heat. As you may have discovered from experience popping the nearest window open simply won’t do! Then it is patently obvious that you place of work requires an air con unit to spread cool air evenly.


Is this realistic or idealistic fantasy? It being a given that the typical UK summer only spans a few months if we are fortunate then how are we going to fair with the remaining ten? Surely the costs of an air conditioning installation is bound to be expensive when spread over a long term period. The lives of business owners doesn’t get any easier when they recieve their energy bill. Especially when heating and fuel costs are rising all the time. They’ve probably thought of giving their staff the option of home working once of twice because of it!


We must not forget that an office air conditioning system needs regular maintainence once installed. Can you imagine the frustration of using the system for three months tops and paying an air conditioning maintenance charge on top? When you can use office fans to dissipate the heat the heat in the office it doesn’t seem that financially viable to me. For a small room though it is possible to purchase a portable air conditioner. A cheaper solution can be leasing to ease the cash flow. Most air conditioning installation comes down to good planning. It’s best to estimate the scale of the coverage area first.. When it comes down to it you have ask yourself whether air conditioning is a luxury you can afford?

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