There are two types of people in the industry of internet marketing , peddlers and marketers . Peddlers push their work from home business opportunity to every body they know or meet . Marketers market their value, NOT their work from home business opportunity.
Peddlers are like direct sales reps ; they have, or feel the need to sell immediately , not months from now . Ladies and gentleman, nintey-nine percent of the online marketing companies out there teach and push the “traditional” way of growing the business. Names lists, 3 foot rule, lead lists and hotel meetings to name a few .
They teach it is all a numbers game, and in a sense they are right. If some one talks to a hundred people, somebody is bound to show interest. This is not that duplicatable; most people can’t handle the rejection, and thus are done before they start , if they even start because that phone weighs 1000 pounds.
Let’s take a look at it in a different light , if someone put alot of effort into making a romantic evening for you and your loved one to spend time together. When it comes to the end of the evening and you ask your loved one for a little attention and you are turned down, do you think “awesome, only 99 more times and I will ‘get lucky'” or are you disappointed ?
Are you willing to go through another 99 times before your succeed? How likely are you to wait a hundred times each time before you quit and slow down on your attempts or stop all together? You must make yourself desirable to others.
Peddling is not the most efficient use of our time. People do not buy into websites, they buy into people. I will give you an example of this. Have you ever asked for a certain waitress or waiter ? How about do you ever stay at the same motel or always buy a specific pop ? What does this have to do with internet marketing ? Ladies and gentleman, you buy the same pop , stay at the same motel and ask for the same waitress/waiter because you have made a connection with them.
Your ~ The } waitress is always nice and the hotel is always clean and the soda is always the same. You have bought into the branding of that service or product or personality, you trust it to give you what you like and in return you reward it or them with buying their product or whatever it is they offer.
Let’s look at this as it pertains to the network marketing arena. Let’s say that we have shown your business opportunity to a individual and let us say they do like what they see and are interested.
They are going to go to Google and search out your company name. Chances are they will not going to find you, right? They are going to find some one who understands this concept and has branded themselves as an expert in the industry and has built a huge organization.They are making a large income, and…you have just done some serious community service for that rep in that particular business . You just gave that rep a new customer or new rep because the prospect you were talking to was drawn to that expert and not to you.
They feel that the representative that they found on Google will be likely to show them to the bank and you are unable to do so . Peddlers push their opportunity. Marketers market value.